class KacheController(val cacheEnabled: () -> Boolean = { true }, client: RedisCoroutinesCommands<String, String>)
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suspend fun <T : Model> getAll(collection: MongoCollection<T>, serializer: KSerializer<T>, cacheKey: String = collection.cacheKey(), getData: suspend MongoCollection<T>.() -> List<T>): List<T>
Get the items from the list if they exist else perform the real query update the cache and return the results
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suspend fun <T : Model, R : Any> getVolatile(fieldName: String, collection: MongoCollection<T>, serializer: KSerializer<R>, setData: suspend MongoCollection<T>.() -> R): R
Volatiles are queries whose result depends on the state of the collection i.e if an items is added, modified or deleted it'll affect the response of the query e.g
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suspend fun <T : Model> setAll(collection: MongoCollection<T>, serializer: KSerializer<T>, cacheKey: String = collection.cacheKey(), setData: suspend MongoCollection<T>.() -> List<T>?): Boolean
Insert or update multiple items in your db and return the updated items. This will update their data in the cache buy their id
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