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description: "Jobs"


Jobs are responsible for running and managing tasks. After tasks are scheduled, they are associated with a Job by the name and executed within the Job.

Creating a Job

To Create a Job you simply Extend the Job Object

object SayHello : Job {
    override val name: String
        get() = "say-hello"

    override suspend fun execute(cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>): Boolean {
        super.execute(cycleNumber, params)
        println("Hello ${params["firsName"]} ${params["lastName"]} $cycleNumber")
        return true

  • The cycleNumber is the number of times the job has been executed from 1 -> n
  • The job also provides the params that were provided when the job was scheduled. You can serialize and deserialize objects through this
  • The execution should return true to indicate that the job was successful.

Executing Job


Callback for when the job is successful i.e execute returns true

object SayHello : Job {

    fun onSuccess(cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>) {
        println("KRONOJOB($name) Success: ")
        println("cycle-> $cycleNumber")
        println("params-> $params")
        println("time-> ${}")



Callback for when the job is fails i.e execute returns false. This is only called for the first failure. If it fails again then onRetryFail is called

object SayHello : Job {

    fun onFail(cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>) {




In the case that false is returned(i.e task failed) you have the opportunity to set a number of retries with

object SayHello : Job {

    override val retries: Int
        get() = 2

This will rerun the execution without any delay for the specified number of retries until the execution returns true. This call back is also provided for each failure

object SayHello : Job {

    fun onRetryFail(retryCount: Int, cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>) {


Challenge Execution

If the Job has passed the internal execution by kronos and is about to run, you can prevent it from running by adding your own validation. e.g A Job that runs every day, but you don't want the Job to run if it is a public holiday.

The Job will not run if challengeRun returns true

object SayHello : Job {

    //This Job will not run if the cycle is an even number
    fun challengeRun(cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>): Boolean {
        return cycleNumber % 2 == 0

Periodic Job Loaded

This is called when the next job for a periodic job is scheduled. In case you are making use of the job Id when you scheduled the job, you can listen to this to update the Id you are referencing

object SayHello : Job {

    //This Job will not run if the cycle is an even number
    fun periodicJobLoaded(originJobId: String, nextJobId: String) {}

Last update: March 12, 2024
Created: March 12, 2024
